Publications in international media:
National Geographic: Moscú
Forbes: Isla Holbox
Traveller: Tours Russia
Traveler: El Musée d’Orsay crece: donan 20 millones de euros para su mayor proyecto de expansión
Washington Post: Isla Holbox
Vogue: Mexico
The Telegraph: The best art holidays for 2019
National Geographic: Oktoberfest España
El viajero El Pais: 18 Miradores de España
Viajar El Periodico: Isla Holbox
Traveller: Isla Holbox
The Telegraph: Brittany attractions
Russia Beyond: San Petersburgo
Ren TV: Chichen Itzá
Knowable Magazine: Mayapan
ManagmentToday: Organisation culture
History 101: What happened to the ancient Mayans?
Essence: These Romantic Valentine’s Day Escapes Will Make You Fall In Love All Over Again
G-Switch: Spend a week Discovering the best of the Yucatan Peninsula
Femina: Holidays: where to go in 2019?
Vestnik: At the zenith of glory: the most luxurious ceilings in the world
GQ: We already miss Moscow architecture
Letudiant: Coronavirus : 5 musées virtuels à visiter de chez soi
Whatson: Here are 7 virtual museum tours you can take from your couch
Livinq8: Stuck At Home? 10 Virtual Museums Tours You Can Take From Your Sofa
Veranda: 8 Dreamy Castle Interiors That Look Straight Out of a Fairytale
Civitatis: Visita guiada por el Museo Hermitage Rusia 2018: Diez actividades que los visitantes pueden realizar al margen del fútbol Qué ver en San Petersburgo
Headtopics: 9 places that are hot in April: where to go for spring sunshine]
MSN / National Geographic: Visit this beautiful Mexican island with no car in sight
Vogue: 10 islas paradisíacas con las que soñar este verano Palace of Culture: why the “hermit’s shelter” is always crowded